About Formula Bot
Formula Bot is a website that has AI Excel and Google Sheet Formula Generator that can revolutionise data and spreadsheets easily within a few seconds from text instructions. It can generate formulas, basic spreadsheet tasks, SQL, regex, VBA and Apps Scripts (FormulaBot.com, 2023).
As the robust Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry is spread throughout the world, more AI developers are creating applications and websites to solve various questions and carry out difficult tasks posed by the users. Next Move Strategy Consulting estimated the market for AI is anticipated to have strong growth in the coming decade. The market is valued at 100 billion USD and by 2030, it is expected to grow twentyfold up to two trillion USD (Bergur Thormundsson, 2023).
There are four AI groups, which are reactive machines, limited memory, Theory of Mind and self-aware (Sumbo Bello, 2021). Examples of AI are Face ID, the search engine algorithm, preference recommendation algorithm, chatbots, and image generating AI. They are expected to dominate the market in the coming years (Sumbo Bello, 2021).
Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets are utilised to calculate numbers. These applications utilise require formulas in order to work efficiently (Langmann, 2022). However, a user needs to be familiar with various formulas in order to use them to their full potential. For example, Excel and Sheets functions are ABS, VLOOKUP and SUM. There are users who are unable to fully utilise these applications because they are intimidated by the huge amount of knowledge needed to master these tools and functions.
Hence, for users who face difficulties in mastering functions of spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, AI such as Formula Bot is one of the quickest solutions to obtain the desired function or formula. Users can use text explanations to describe the desired function, and Formula Bot will analyse the text explanations and produce the suitable formula for the users. This ability has allowed users to be more productive using spreadsheets without the need to memorise hundreds of long formulas and functions.
Formula Bot is AI-powered and assists in generating formulas for Excel spreadsheets, Google Sheets, and SQL queries. It can reduce hours of tedious work by transforming text-based instructions into formulas in a few seconds. The website is user-friendly and requires no coding or programming skills.
The website could support these Microsoft Excel® versions:

Formula Bot has spreadsheet templates known as Simple Sheets. There are more than 115 spreadsheet templates such as those related to accounting, finance and supply chain. Simple Sheets features are as follows:

Benefit of Using Formula Bot

Yearly Pricing Table

For staff who would like to explore more about Formula Bot, please check out this website: https://formulabot.com/
Bergur Thormundsson. (2023, May 3). Artificial Intelligence market size 2030. Statista. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1365145/artificial-intelligence-market-size/
FormulaBot.com. (2023, May 1). Formula Bot—AI Excel Formula Generator. Formula Bot. https://formulabot.com/
Langmann, K. (2022, October 21). 15 Most Common Excel Functions You Must Know + How to Use Them. Spreadsheeto. https://spreadsheeto.com/excel-functions/
Sumbo Bello. (2021, May 3). 8 Examples of Artificial Intelligence in our Everyday Lives. EDGY_ Labs. https://edgy.app/examples-of-artificial-intelligence